Pharma Innovators

DMD strives to keep healthcare marketers current with the latest innovations in email marketing, website visitor identification, and related aspects of digital pharma marketing. To provide you with a broader perspective, our Pharma Innovators Series profiles thought leaders whose companies are developing interesting products that complement DMD's products and services.

DMD Pharma Innovator Series: Regina Paris, Evoke

Edith Hodkinson, Chief Digital Officer

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, HCPs were increasingly relying on digital channels to stay up-to-date in the healthcare industry.

I recently chatted with Regina Paris, VP of Engagement Strategy at Evoke, to discuss how brands are shifting to (and embracing) the vast opportunities of digital outreach, why qualified data sources are so imperative for achieving optimal engagement, and what is unique about HCPs’ digital behavior in the rare disease space.

The full text of our conversation is below.

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